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Produced by Jazz Inc Dance
Choreography by Stephanie Heroux
Photography by Benjamin Wight
Cinematography by Joshua Csehak
Lighting Design by Stephen Petrilli
Special Guest Choreography by
Marcia Rotondo
Special Guest Perforamnce by
Allegro Dance Collaborative
World Premiere
October 10, 2014
Ben Wight, Dubside Photography
October 10, 2014
Somerville Theatre
Somerville MA
close your eyes.
where will you go?
Produced by Jazz Inc Dance
Choreography by Stephanie Heroux
Musical Composition & Direction
Paul Buono
Directed by Stephanie Heroux
World Premiere
May 1, 2011
May 1, 5, 6, 2011
September 18, 25, 2011
Cambridge, MA

Ben Wight, Dubside Photography
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